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N° 21 - 2011. La chronologie relative de la Basse Vallée jusqu’au 3e millénaire BC (coord. E.C. Köhler)
45.00 €
Sommaire :
E. Christiana Köhler
The Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic of the Nile Valley and the deserts
E. Christiana Köhler
Neolithic in the Nile Valley (Fayum A, Merimde, el-Omari, Badarian)
E. Christiana Köhler
Some remarks on the chronology of the early Naqada Culture (Naqada I / Early Naqada II) in Upper Egypt
Rita Hartmann
Settlement Sites in the Nile Delta
Mariusz Jucha and Agnieszka Maczynska
Chalcolithique final (ou Moyen ?), Nagada IIC-D/IIIA
Nathalie Buchez
Naqada IIIA-B, A Crucial Phase in the Relative Chronology of the Naqada Culture
Stan Hendrickx
The Relative Chronology of Nubia
Maria Carmela Gatto
Naqada IIIC-D - The end of the Naqada Culture?
E. Christiana Köhler, Jane Smythe and Amber Hood
Béatrix Midant-Reynes
A Missing Chapter of The Desert Fayum: Fayum lithic artefact collection in the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam
Noriyuki Shirai
Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan. 2011 Addition
Stan Hendrickx and Wouter Claes
A propos de Isabelle Crevecoeur, Etude anthropologique du squelette du Paléolithique supérieur de Nazlet Khater 2 (Egypte). Apport à la compréhension de la variabilité des hommes moderns, Leuven University Press, Egyptian Prehistory Monographs (EPM) 8, Leuven, 2008
Yann Tristant
A propos de Emily Teeter (ed.), Before the Pyramids. The Origins of Egyptian Civilization, The Oriental Institute Museum Publications 33. Chicago, 2011.
Yann Tristant
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