ALBERT F. 224 p, 20 pl, 25 x 34,5 cm, broché VATICAN 2013 |
Le Livre des morts d'Aset-Ouret. Museo Gregoriano Egizio Aegyptiaca Gregoriana Volume VI. Texte & Planches |
110.00 € Commander Réf : 15888 |
ALBERT F., LENZO G. (Ed.) 312 p, 20,5 x 28 cm, relié LE CAIRE 2024 |
Production et transmission des textes funéraires en Égypte au Ier millénaire av. n. è. |
70.00 € Commander Réf : 19469 |
ALBERT J.-P., MIDANT-REYNES B. 284 p, 18 x 23 cm, broché PARIS 2005 |
Le sacrifice humain. En Égypte ancienne et ailleurs (Études d'Égyptologie 6) |
54.00 € Commander Réf : 11905 |
ALDSWORTH F. et al. 156 p, 21 x 30 cm, broché + CD LONDRES 2010 |
Qasr Ibrim: The Cathedral Church . EES Excavation Memoir 97 |
36.00 € Commander Réf : 14922 |
ALI A. A., BUDDE D. (Ed.) 404 p, 20,5 x 28,5 cm, relié LE CAIRE 2023 |
Mammisis of Egypt. Proceedings of the First International Colloquium, Held in Cairo, 27-28 March 2019 |
45.00 € Commander Réf : 19105 |
ALI M.S. 154 p, 291 pl, 17 x 24 cm, broché WIESBADEN 2002 |
Hieratische Ritzinschriften aus Theben. Paläographie der Graffiti und Steinbruchinschriften. Göttinger Orientforschungen IV. Reihe Ägypten. Band 34 |
93.00 € Commander Réf : 10245 |
ALLAM S. 79 p, 16,3 x 22,5 cm, broché LE CAIRE 2018 |
The Treaty of Peace and Alliance between Ramses II and Khattushili III, King of the Hittites (English and Arabic version ) |
12.00 € Commander Réf : 17780 |
ALLEN J. xi,74 p, 251 pl, 24 x 32 cm, relié NEW YORK 2021 |
Inscriptions from Lisht. Texts from Burial Chambers. Egyptian Expedition Publications of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 31 |
110.00 € Commander Réf : 18825 |
ALLEN J. (Mélanges) 565 p, 16 x 24 cm, relié LEIDEN 2023 |
In the House of Heqanakht. Text and Context in Ancient Egypt. Studies in Honor of James P. Allen. Harvard Egyptological Studies, Volume: 16 |
209.00 € Commander Réf : 18924 |
ALLEN J.P. 234 p, 14 x 21,5 cm, broché CAMBRIDGE 2020 |
Ancient Egyptian Phonology |
32.00 € Commander Réf : 18104 |
ALLEN J.P. 375 p, 18,5 x 26 cm, relié WINONA LAKE 2017 |
A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Volume 1: Unis |
87.00 € Commander Réf : 17297 |
ALLEN J.P. 254 p, 15 x 22,7 cm, broché CAMBRIDGE 2013 |
The Ancient Egyptian Language. An Historical Study |
42.00 € Commander Réf : 15694 |
ALLEN J.P. 451 p, 15,2 x 22,8 cm, broché CAMBRIDGE 2014 |
Middle Egyptian Literature. Eight Literary Works of the Middle Kingdom. (Hieroglyphic transcription, tranliteration and translation) |
42.00 € Commander Réf : 16474 |
ALLEN J.P. 599 p, 17,5 x 24,5 cm, broché CAMBRIDGE 2014 |
Middle Egyptian. An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs. Third Edition, revised an reorganised, with a new analysis of the verbal system |
59.00 € Commander Réf : 8092 |
ALLEN J.P. 381 p, 15 x 23 cm, broché ATLANTA 2015 |
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Translated with a Introduction and Notes . Second edition |
49.00 € Commander Réf : 16967 |
ALLEN J.P. p, 16 x 24,5 cm, relié LEIDEN 2005 |
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by James Allen |
166.00 € Commander Réf : 12148 |
ALLEN J.P. 311 p, 16,5 x 25 cm, relié LEIDEN 2011 |
The Debate between a Man and His Soul. A Masterpiece of Ancient Egyptian Literature |
144.00 € Commander Réf : 14781 |
ALLEN J.P., COLLIER M., STAUDER A. (Ed.) 264 p, 22 x 29 cm, relié ATLANTA 2016 |
Coping with Obscurity. The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar. Wilbour Studies in Egypt and Ancient Western Asia, 3 |
94.00 € Commander Réf : 16778 |
ALLEN T. D. 113 p, 16 x 23,5 cm, relié LONDRES 2008 |
The Ancient Egyptian Family. Kinship and Social Structure |
122.00 € Commander Réf : 13103 |